9 Best ways to make money from blogging

Best ways to make money from blogging

Do you consider blogging to be merely a pastime? Consider this: it can genuinely make you a lot of money. Here’s how to get started, establish your niche, and turn your blog into a steady source of income.

We’ll be honest: making money through blogging isn’t easy. But the best part is that anyone can do it, and it will look fantastic on your resume.

All you need to create traffic and a following is something fascinating to say and enough patience and effort. How do successful bloggers, on the other hand, make money? We spoke with a few of them to learn more about how they make money.

Best ways to start a blog

You have two options for creating a blog: you can utilize a free blogging platform or build your own website. let discuss advantages and disadvantages of each.

1. Free blogging platforms

Best for Non-profit bloggers and individuals who don’t want to make money from their blog.

Pros: It’s pretty simple to set up, and it’s free.

Limitations on customization and video/image uploads, inability to add advertisements or use affiliate links, inability to build a custom URL, and the platform’s right to terminate your blog.

Many platforms allow you to create a free blog, and many are simple to use. This could be ideal if you’re starting off and wish to blog lightly.


Free blogging platforms, on the other hand, maybe quite limited. You’ll have limited customization options, and your blog will have a storage limit, making it difficult to add huge videos and photographs.

Another disadvantage is that the platform branding will make your blog URL look like ‘www.yourblog.wordpress.com’

Most free blogging platforms also prevent you from using banner adverts or affiliate links, two of the most frequent ways for bloggers to earn money.

If you don’t mind these drawbacks, here’s a quick review of the finest free online blogging platforms.

Sites with the best blogging features

WordPress.com: is a website where you can create a blog. This is a simple and free basic blog hosting service. Unless you pay a monthly charge, you’ll have to put up with WordPress ads and branding, and you won’t be able to place ads on your site. There are very few customizations and expansion options.

Blogger: is a phrase used to describe someone who blogs; Google’s free blog hosting service is extremely easy to use. However, the customization and design possibilities are restricted, and there are few options for adding new features.

Medium: Medium focuses on the writing rather than the design. Many journalists, writers, and experts utilize it, and it’s a terrific method to share your work with a specific audience. You can’t run any adverts, and creating your own personal branding is challenging.

2. Make your own web page.

Best for Serious bloggers that want to generate money with their blogs.

Pros: Complete control over the design and customization of your website, as well as your own custom URL and the flexibility to use advertisements and affiliate links any way you choose.

Cons: You’ll have to pay for your domain name (URL) and hosting, although we have some suggestions for low-cost web hosting.

If you’re not very tech-savvy, the prospect of making your own website may sound daunting – but it’s actually quite simple, and you can do so in under 20 minutes.

Step-by-step guide on how to create a website.

You’ll be able to create separate personal branding (with your own URL) with your own website and not worry about the platform deleting your blog because you’ll own it and have complete control.

Take your time to choose a template or ‘theme’ that suits both your personality and the topic of your blog. WordPress provides an enormous amount of templates or ‘themes to choose from.

Choose a design that is straightforward and basic, with enough room for huge photographs and easy-to-read fonts (Comic Sans and Courier fonts are no-nos).

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How do you pick a blog topic?

This might be the easy or most difficult component of beginning a blog.

The most crucial thing at this point is to pick a topic in which you can establish yourself as an authority.

In such a crowded blogosphere, the most typical error new bloggers do is to establish a blog without trying to do something unexpected or distinctive.

If fashion is your thing, for example, instead of combining generic fashion articles, why not combine your passion for clothes with your deep concern for the environment by blogging about environmentally aware designers?

These are the most effective methods for coming up with a topic for your new blog:

Check out some other blogs â€” this should be your first stop. What has already proven to be successful? What’s more important, what isn’t there? Find the market’s flaws.

Make use of Google – What are they looking for? Use Google suggested searches and auto-complete figure out what people want — if they’re seeking for it, it means there’s a market for it.

Look for common FAQs on online forums â€“ People turn to forums when they can’t find answers to their questions elsewhere. What are they inquiring about? What are they looking for advice on? This will reveal what people are interested in, as well as what information is lacking.

Keep an eye on current events â€“ What are the hot subjects in the news right now? It’s best to choose a topic that will last; however, if you can catch a trend early on, you may quickly position yourself as a subject expert before anyone else. Using the hashtag #journorequest on Twitter, you can see what kinds of stories journalists are covering right now.

Consider several sorts of content â€“ are you able to create tutorials or how-to guides? Reviews? Interviews? Lists? It’s not much what you write about as it is how you write that distinguishes you.

Identify your own interests and passions:

While all of the above are important, blogging about something you don’t care about is pointless. You’ll become bored soon, and others will notice your lack of passion. Write about a subject that you genuinely care about.

How can you get more people to read your blog?

The big question is: where are all the readers? After you’ve built your website, come up with a killer blog topic, and published your first posts, the big question is: where are all the readers?

You can’t expect people to find your blog and start reading it on their own. You must publicize it!

Here are the greatest and simplest techniques to increase your blog’s readership:

1. Use social media to promote your blog.

If you don’t have social media profiles, you’re not going to get recognized, just like every other business nowadays.

We advocate creating Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and even LinkedIn pages/accounts for your blog (you’re essentially your own business, right?). Design these accounts to match your blog’s color scheme/theme so that your brand is consistent and easy to recognize.

Use them to promote new posts and to tag other bloggers, influencers, and businesses who may be willing to share your material and help it reach a wider audience.

You may also try paid advertising to help your blog reach a larger audience. Keep your fans interested by blogging on a frequent basis once you’ve gained a following (not just for new blog posts).

2. Make friends with other bloggers.

Make yourself known to other bloggers who cover comparable subjects. Despite the fact that you’re technically a rival, you’ll be pleasantly pleased by the blogger community’s willingness to help.

Many bloggers have a ‘links’ page on their site where they link to a lot of their friends in the community in exchange for a link on your blog. This will significantly improve your SEO (search engine optimization, or how likely your blog will appear in Google searches).

If you interact with other bloggers and share their stuff, they’ll most likely reciprocate – you could even collaborate!

3. Use your blog to respond to news stories.

Get active if anything in the news occurs that is relevant to your niche. This is known as ‘newsjacking,’ and it may be a terrific way to bring you some amazing publicity.

Keep a lookout for items like the reveal of our newest Student Money Survey if you blog about inexpensive student cooking, for example. Students may spend an average of 20k on groceries each month, but you can show them how to spend less (while eating healthier food!).

You can use pertinent hashtags on social media to say your piece, participate in Forums, and even reach out to journals for comments.

Journalists may approach you if you’re exceptionally good at owning your niche.

4. Make stuff that goes viral.

Viral content helps you to reach a new audience and, as a result, grow your readership.

This may look easy, but the key to developing viral content is to tap into content that is contentious or widely discussed in your specialized blogging industry.

As you can imagine, this frequently involves newsjacking, as noted above. Because this is your area, you’ll be enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and opinionated about it, allowing you to publish an opinion that people will want to read, share, and discuss.

What is the best way to make money from blogging?

Finally, You can start looking into ways to make money from your blog after it’s up and running.

These are the finest and simplest ways for a blogger to earn money:

1. Make affiliate marketing a part of your blog’s strategy.

Affiliate marketing works by incorporating monitored affiliate links into your blog’s material. Every time when a reader clicks through to a site you promote and makes a purchase, you can earn a small compensation.

The links will take readers to atargeted website, and the money you’ll get is a thank-you for getting some of your nice readers there.

Almost every online eCommerce website, such as Amazon, ASOS, and Apple, has an affiliate program of some form.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, the goal is to be honest, and authentic. Write honest reviews and articles, and only advise your readers to purchase anything if you believe it is a decent product or service for them.

2.Include banner advertisements on your website.

You can sell banner promotion space on your blog pages to brand that relate to your visitors as a more visual means of advertising.

Advertisements can be found in many places, but they’re most typically found at the top of blog pages or in the sidebar.

You have two options for earning money. CPC (cost per click) indicates you’ll be paid a fixed amount for each reader who clicks on the ad, whereas CPM (cost per thousand) means you’ll be paid a set amount for every 1,000 ad impressions.

The CPC and CPM can be low due to the proliferation of AdBlocker plugins, but this depends on your sector, and there’s no harm in trying them out.

Creating a Google AdSense account is an easy way to get started.

3.Create sponsored material and advertorials.

According to the bloggers we spoke with, is to offer sponsored content possibilities (or advertorials). These are effectively sponsored advertisements in the shape of articles or blog posts.

If Adidas, for example, releases a new swimsuit line and you run a women’s sportswear blog, they may offer to pay you to write a post about it. On top of that, you might be able to include some affiliate links.

When you have a strong niche audience, this monetization technique usually works well. Brands will frequently approach you to discuss sponsored content once your viewership has expanded.

4.Implement a fee for sponsored social media posts.

You’ll be incredibly appealing to brands if you have a great social media presence. Sponsored articles on social media are how some people get their whole blogging income. You have the option of charging per post/re-post, and the fees can be quite expensive.

You’ll just have to work hard on growing your following first — brands look at your social proof,’ or how many people follow you on social media, as proof that readers would enjoy what you say about them as well.

5.Contribute to media outlets’ blogs as a guest blogger.

If you’re an authority on a particular issue, members of the press (or even brands with their own blogs) may approach you and ask you to make a cameo appearance on their website.

For example, If you’re an expert in low-cost cooking, a newspaper may call you and request that you contribute some low-cost recipes to their cooking magazine.

Don’t be afraid to pitch ideas to magazines; if editors are unfamiliar with you, a simple email introduction is a terrific way to get your blog’s name out there.

6.Hire an agency to help you create your blog.

Believe it or not, blogging has grown in popularity in the advertising world to the point where there are now companies dedicated solely to connecting bloggers with major brands.

Working with an agency can be extremely profitable and secure, but in order to be picked up in the first place, you’ll need to have a sizable following.

Because agency rates are so high, only the largest companies will be able to afford to collaborate with you, while smaller independent businesses will be scared away.

Depending on the type of blogging business you want to start, this may or may not be beneficial to you – in the case of ethical fashion blogging, for example, agency fees may hinder you from working with the tiny independent designers you truly want to promote.

7.Use your blog to sell digital things.

Another alternative is to charge a fee for access to eBooks, video tutorials, courses, or workshops if you have skills or advice to provide.

To make this option work, you must be able to demonstrate that you are an expert in your field or that your information has shown to be exceptionally beneficial. This isn’t going to be easy.

It might be tough to persuade online communities to pay up because many people believe that everything should be free on the internet. But it’s worth a shot, right?

8.Sell the newsletter subscription space on your blog.

It’s also possible to charge a company for ad space or a mention in your weekly/monthly newsletter (if you have one!). It will take less time to complete, and you may be able to receive a good price for it.

For brands to consider you, you’ll need to build up a sizable mailing list.

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9.As a blogger, I attract the attention of potential employers.

Another (although indirect) approach to making more money with your blog is to use it for advertising your own business or even getting a job.

If you’re one of the many students who sell items online, your blog is the ideal place to promote it (but don’t go overboard, or you’ll turn off readers).

You can also use your blog as an online profile, where you can establish your credibility, demonstrate your talents, and perhaps land a nice job.

Consider it this way: your blog is really your own small business, and demonstrating to potential employers that you can do it well demonstrates that you have an entrepreneurial mindset and know-how to succeed with it.

The most difficult obstacles to overcome while monetizing a blog

Nothing worthwhile happens without a fair amount of effort and a few setbacks.

Don’t kid yourself: blog monetization takes time. After working on their websites for a time, many bloggers barely make pennies from monetizing their blogs each month.

To have a shot at making a full-time living from blogging, you’ll need various income streams from a variety of sources. It takes time to monetize a blog, and it requires that you have some visitors. The more your readership, the more appealing you are to advertising.

Many writers decide to monetize their blogs early on in their careers.

Is it possible to make money blogging?

As we’ve seen, the answer is a resounding yes! However, the amount of money you may make through blogging varies. That’s the nature of monetizing a blog at first, but with time, bloggers can make a lot of money.

It takes time to monetize a blog, and it requires that you have some visitors. The more your readership, the more appealing you are to advertising.

Consider having many streams of revenue coming in from various sources and through various techniques if you want to make a respectable living from blogging.